Video SEO: 3 Important Ways to Optimize Your Video for Search

In B2B marketing, videos are becoming increasingly significant. Companies that use specialized video marketing tactics generate more leads, earn more money, and have higher brand recognition than those who use other marketing methods.

Digital marketers invest numerous hours, money, and resources into creating outstanding films as part of their content marketing campaigns and plans. Many content creators, however, are unaware of this.

Using virality and capitalizing on unrelated trends to get into the spotlight isn’t a long-term solution either. Your video production efforts might be a significant waste of money and time if your content doesn’t appear in Google and video platform searches – especially for businesses. So, how can you make sure your video content is seen by the right people and receives traction every time? 

Before we dive into video optimization suggestions, let’s understand video SEO a little more. 

What is Video SEO?

Video SEO is optimizing your video so that it may be indexed and ranked for relevant keyword searches in search engines. This post will go through some optimization tactics for giving your content a better chance of ranking. Video marketing has become increasingly popular among organizations in recent years. Today, marketers don’t need a degree in videography; it has become easier to make video content and post it online (thanks to YouTube).

We can’t go on the internet these days without seeing a video, and we all have cell phones in our pockets capable of shooting pretty high-quality films everywhere. With the rise of video, ranking in universal search results has become considerably more difficult.

Importance of Ranking Video in Universal Search Results

With the introduction of universal search, video material has been prominently shown on the first page and above the fold by Google and its competitors (the point on the page that you can see without scrolling). Previously, this space was reserved for the third and fourth organic search results. In essence, the chosen video material is given a high position on the first page by default.

More importantly, many businesses have discovered that video content makes it simpler to attain top rankings. There is just less video content to compete with for viewers’ attention, for starters. Second, most video is inadequately optimized, tagged, and referenced, making it difficult for Google to discover and associate the relevant material with the proper search query.

Now that you have understood the basics follow our 5 SEO-friendly video optimization suggestions to give your business the push you are looking for.

#1 Transcribe it Up

Including both a video and a transcription on a single page has two advantages: it accommodates various reader preferences. It increases the likelihood of video material appearing in general Google searches.

Like any other text-based site content, video transcriptions may be optimized for search. While this may violate duplicate content regulations, transcriptions improve the user experience by accommodating various learning methods. Some visitors enjoy movies, while others prefer reading. When it comes to making business choices, 85 percent of company leaders prefer reading over viewing films.

You can employ one of two ways when transcribing video content:

  • As most experienced marketers do with their content, provide a complete, word-by-word transcription.
  • As the Content Marketing Institute does for their Old Marketing podcast, provide text highlights.
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Try incorporating highlights. It is an excellent way to optimize long videos. Give your users a gist and encourage or tease them with compelling content. Full transcripts provide more engagement SEO opportunities, whereas highlights are suitable for long videos and can boost more views by teasing readers with exciting content. Finally, utilize the strategy that your audience prefers: you may use polls or conduct A/B testing to discover which approach generates the level of interaction you desire.

#2 Choose the Right Hosting Platform 

When planning your video strategy, you should think about a video hosting site for your company. You’ll need a location to post and save your video once you’ve filmed and edited it. You’ll be able to post it on your website, social media, and any other online platform using your video hosting provider.

While popular video hosting platforms like YouTube and Vimeo are fantastic for individuals, they aren’t ideal for businesses trying to use video marketing. For starters, they do not provide you with the flexibility and control you want to show your films in the manner you choose.

Furthermore, embedding a video from YouTube promotes YouTube rather than your business. Worse, once your video is done, your viewers are likely to go to other YouTube-recommended videos, which may or may not be your rivals’.

#3 Optimize it Effectively

Every day, Google processes around 3.5 billion searches, and YouTube, which Google owns, handles over 3 billion searches every month. Search is also getting increasingly popular on Facebook, with over 2 billion searches every day. If you don’t optimize your video content for search, you might be losing a lot of viewers.

As part of search engine optimization, you may be familiar with including keywords in your blog articles or website authoring, and this is no exception. Today, search engine optimization experts recommend including your primary keyword in the title and description of your videos if you want them to be seen. Also, confine the title to a maximum of 66 characters. Use a keyword research tool to learn more about YouTube keywords to improve your title and description.

A description may be added to any video you upload to YouTube or Facebook. Just like the title, try to integrate keywords in the description. But don’t go too far; rather than being a list of keywords, make sure your description tells a story about the video.

To Sum it Up

Different people have different preferences for how they consume content. According to several research, pages that employ a combination of media types to meet a user’s query score higher. It is not a mere coincidence that sites with videos are organically shared and linked to more, resulting in higher rankings. The rise in popularity of online video gives significant potential for marketers who are ready to think outside the box to gain results. Producing video content isn’t always inexpensive, but it’s rarely as pricey as people expect. If you’ve previously made and promoted infographics, you can surely afford to create a marketing video and use video SEO to get a strong ROI.


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