How To Promote My Blog On Social Media

Things have changed drastically. Now great content will not get you visitors or make your blog popular. You need to promote your blog apart from great content. There are various ways to promote your blog and social media is one of them. The best thing is that you don’t need to spend a dime on social media unless you want to hire someone to promote your website on social media on your behalf.

Here are few points that you should always keep in mind to promote your blog on social mediaHow To Promote My Blog

1. Create profile on all Platforms

Create social profile on each site and be active. So that when you will share your contents it will be easily reached to the number of people. You should be very active on social media so that you can get the attention of your followers. If your followers will start getting interest in your contents then it will make a great impact on your number of visitors to your blogs.

2. Link your Social Profiles to your blog

Your friends and followers on these social platform can easily find your blog and click to visit your site. Apart from direct visitors from your profile page, linking your blog URL to your social profile also gives you SEO advantage. (If you don’t understand these SEO jargon, please read our other post.) Also engage your audience by certain kind of quiz or contest about trending things or funny things that will helps to increase your number of followers.

3. Create a Facebook Page

Now a day Facebook has become a great place to interact with the people. Because it will make you reach to every type of people and also communities. Create a Facebook page of your blog and make a post on a regular basis. Creating shareable and engaging content on your FB page will help you build audience. If someone likes your page, they will start receiving content in their feed; whenever you share any new content on your FB page. Facebook also provides paid promotion that means you can promote your page by investing some amount of money. If you are new, and want to instantly increase your page likes, you may try paid boost.

4. Know trending #Hashtag

Other best place to promote your blog and get higher number of audience is Twitter. Because Twitter provides you the people, who is interested in certain things such as Sports, news, entertainment, movies etc. Your post can be directly shown to the people who are interested in the particular field. If you niche has related trending #hashtag then use the #hashtag to promote your blog.

5. Connect and Engage with other bloggers in your niche

Engage with other bloggers in your niche. Put their URL on your social profile post and engage them. If you promote others, others may also promote your blog. Even if they don’t promote and just mention your name in their post it will still be beneficial to you considering you are new with limited audience. This strategy will also help you to get the number of new audience.

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6. Ask Questions

Discuss with your audience this will help you to know what your audience wants. Discuss their problems and other things. Ask Questions to find out their problem and create new blog post answering the question or at least find a workable solution to the problem.

7. Use #Hashtag

Always use # hashtag. Hashtag will help you to reach to the right audience. Such as if you write about health and health related problems, then make a hashtag as #healthproblems, #healthtips. This will help you to get the targeted audience. Hashtag is vital strategy on Twitter and Instagram. It also works on Facebook and Google Plus but doesn’t give you much benefit.

8. Top Social Sites

Here is the list of various social media platform on which you should promote your blogs to increase the number of visitors and build your own audience are following

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Google Plus
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Stumble Upon

These are some of the popular social media site, where you can promote your blog and get new audience.


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