5 Social Media Tools You Must Try

If you need a powerful social media presence, you must use the right tools. Now social media is one of the largest and strongest platform for business. To boost your business through social media you must have knowledge about social media tools. Here are top 5 tools:


social media tools


1. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

Social media works only when you attracts yours audience by using right words. Your headline is that part of content which catches the whole attention of reader & so why it’s the most important part of your content. CoSchedule Headline Analyzer provides the reports and score for the phrasing as you entered your purposed headline to this paid tool. This tool also provide few tips for improvement of your headline. This is the perfect tool for crafting your new titles & headlines well for your post or content.


2. Buzzsumo

This tool helps you to identify the popular conversations & subjects on social media. When you enter your topic on Buzzsumo tool, it will start producing the report about the most shared content relating to keywords. It started showing the widely shared content all over the industries and social platforms. For keeping an eagle eye on the latest and new facts on social media, Buzzsumo is the best tool for this.


3. Rocketium

Video posts are more engaging than text post on social media. Hence this tool might be great for you. This is an editing tool, Which enables to tie up the photos and clips for creating short stories & videos. Nowadays video is the new trend on social media. Moreover billions of videos are viewed by the people daily on Facebook and Instagram alone. For being competitive on social media,your creativity on videos is the booster. For this you need application Rocketium. It’s a free application but for more you need paid subscription.


4. Hootsuite

This application is the monitoring tool. Hootsuite allows you to connect multiple accounts on social media. This helps in posting and monitoring feeds for all of your profiles at one time from one place.Social media marketers always have to face the problem of managing multiple accounts at single time. Hootsuite is the best tool for solving this problem with addition of other benefits also. This application allows you for tracking every motion of your industry. It also have detailed reporting system for reviewing your analytics & test to create a digital marketing.


5. Slack

This is actually a teamwork solution. This application helps in working on a project with a team to communicate and to coordinate on a single platform. Slack helps in saving time and effort by sharing links,images & data at once. It makes easy to find your specific message from entire bunch of your files. All the data,documents,images & files are automatically archived & indexed in Slack. And you can easily access to your desired files or documents quickly. This tool makes your teamwork smooth and seamless, specially for the individuals of that team which do not share their same physical face.

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