How to write articles

Writing articles is an easy and fun-filled job. This guide will help you understand how to write articles. To be a good article writer, you need to be constant, to the point, and accurate.

Article Topic:

You need to zero down on the topic. The topic is like a destination, If you know the destination, you can reach there by various means.


Before you write an article, make sure you have adequate information and facts. If you are a good researcher you can be a great writer. The article is about an information bank. So gather all the information about the topic.

Bullet Points:

While doing online research, keep a note of points that you want to cover. Include facts, numbers, and images, etc. Once you know the bullet points, it’s easy to expand the points into an article. If you have gathered all facts and bullet points you have already written 50% article.


Know your audience first. If you don’t know, who is your reader, you won’t be able to write the perfect article. So it’s important to know, for whom you are going to write.


Know the motive of an article. Every article solves at least one problem or issue or concern of your reader. To find out, what problem you are going to solve for your readers. For example, you are reading an article that educates you on how to write an article? Another example: How to write articles fast? (In this headline, you know how to write articles but it takes a lot of time to write them. This article will solve your concern of writing articles fast and saves you valuable time.)

Don’t Copy:

Coping with someone else works won’t help you. In fact, duplicate content will lead you to trouble. No one likes duplicate. It’s okay to get ideas from other writers and then write better content in your own words and style.

Your Views:

Everyone has their own opinion and views. Even if 1000s of writers are writing on the same topic, everyone will have a different opinion about the subject. For example, every newspaper has the same news but they are written differently by each news writer.


Every writer is not Ph.D. in English literature, so it’s okay if you made some grammar mistakes, it can be corrected by an editor or proofread by a third party, but don’t make silly grammar mistakes. If you make a lot of grammar mistake, you readers may not trust your writing.

Proof Read:

Proofread your article and revise. Correct spelling and grammar errors. Ask your best friend or someone with good knowledge to proofread your article.

Tips For writing article for blogs:

  • Packed with good quality pictures and images. and enrich it with videos, pictures, graphics to make the visitors easy to understand your topic.
  • The title should be clear and accurate according to the content.
  • Avoid Spam in your article, it is annoying for the visitors and Google may penalize you if you publish spam or spun content on your blog.
  • Write articles in a unique way, no copy paste from other sites or blogs . Make sure that visitors can easily understand what you are trying to tell them.
  • Proofread your article
  • Articles not for google but also for human beings it will increase your SEO.
  • Provide keywords for your blog posts in article meta title, description and tags.
  • Talk to the reader what you want to say and how they will benefit from it.
  • Add an eye catchy quote and use relevant images with good quality at the beginning of articles.
  • Make sure that your article is free from grammatical errors.
  • Avoid spelling errors.
  • Provides links to your other posts, videos or images in the article. It will increase page views and give you more traffic from search engines.
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To be a perfect writer takes some time. Once you know the art of writing articles, it will be piece of cake. I know few people who write more than 10 articles in a day, but if you are new in writing then you will be able to write a couple of articles initially. Keep practicing and keep improving. If your articles are not perfect don’t worry, just make sure your articles servers the purpose of writing.

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