Ultimate list of tools for SEO and Websites

Google Analytics

The Page Analytics Chrome Extension allows you to see how customers interact with your web pages, including what they click and don’t click.

Data Studio

Google Data Studio lets you merge data from varying sources, such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics, and create sharable visualizations.

Keyword Hero

Leave it to Keyword Hero, which uses advanced math and machine learning to fill in the blanks. This service is free for upwards of 2,000 sessions per month.


Mozcast tracks changes big and small to Google’s search algorithm. With Google making hundreds of changes on a yearly basis, keeping abreast of the latest developments helps you make sure you’re doing everything to have the best SERPs.

Panguin Tool

The Panguin Tool lines up your search traffic with known changes to the Google search algorithm. If you see a drop that lines up with an update, then you’ve likely found the culprit and can get to work on fixing it!

Redirect Path

The Redirect Path Chrome extension will flag 301, 302, 404, and 500 HTTP Status CodesAdditionally, client-side redirects like meta and JavaScript redirects will also be flagged ensuring any redirect issue can be uncovered immediately. HTTP Headers such as server types and caching headers as well as the server IP address can also be displayed with the click of a button.

Beam Us Up

This tool lets you know ways in which your website has fallen short of SEO best practices so that you can take corrective measures. You can filter data by error type, and export your results to Excel, CSV, and Google Drive.

Link Redirect Trace

Use this Chrome plugin to make sure all your link redirects are directing people and crawlers where you want them to go.

Quick Click Website Audit

The Quick Click Website Audit is a bookmarklet-style extension that links to many of today’s most used online SEO tools.

Screaming Frog

Crawl your website for SEO errors. Discover HTTP header errors, JavaScript rendering hiccups, excess HTML, crawl mistakes, duplicate content, and more with Screaming Frog.

Screaming Frog Log File Analyzer

Upload your log files to Screaming Frog’s Log File Analyzer to confirm search engine bots, check which URLs have been crawled, and study search bot data.


Another SEO log analysis tool that provides data in real-time and page categorization.


One of the original free SEO tools, Xenu is a crawler that provides basic site audits, looks for broken links, and the other usual suspects.

Where Goes?

Track where redirection URLs and shortened links with Where Goes?.

Check My Links

Check My Links is a nifty Chrome Extension that will crawl through your webpage and identify the status code for each link on the page – including broken links.

Robots.txt Generator

Create a correct robots.txt file in an instant so search engines know how to crawl your website. Advanced users can customize their files with Robots.txt Generator as well.


Checks URLs in bulk for status code, redirect status, response time, response headers, and HTTP header fields with HEADMaster SEO.

Keep-alive Validation SEO Tool

Check URLs in bulk or one by one to see if their servers support persistent connection, which makes your website load faster, what version of HTTP your server is on, and whether there are any external connections on your URL with this tool.

Hreflang Tag Generator

Generate hreflang tags so that Google knows which language particular pages on your website are in so that Google can search those pages in that language.

XML Sitemaps

Create a site map of up to 500 pages for free without registration. Download your sitemap as an XML file or get it via email.


BROWSEO lets you see how your website looks to a search engine. It basically strips your webpage of any styling and shows you the underlying structure. This helps you figure out if Google’s bot has any difficulty accessing important content on your site.

SFAIK Screaming Frog Analyzer

A robust visualization of Screaming Frog crawl data using Google Data Studio.

Answer the Public

Answer the Public is a nifty tool that provides content marketers with valuable data about the questions people ask online.

Keyword Explorer

This keyword research tool will give you up to 1,000 keyword suggestions, a keyword difficulty score, click-through-rate date, and SERP analysis. You get to do 10 free searches per month.

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Keyword Planner

Google’s Keyword Planner is designed for ad campaigns, but you can use it for keyword research by seeing how keywords perform in ads.

Keyword Shitter

Get keyword volume, cost per click, and competition data with this aptly named keyword tool.

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a must-use keyword research tool due to the massive list of sites that it provides free search volume, CPC, and competition data for Google Search, Google Trends, eBay, Answer The Public, Google Keyword Planner, Bing, Etsy, Soovle, Google Search Console, YouTube, Ubersuggest, Majestic, Google Analytics, Amazon, Keyword Shitter, Moz Open Site Explorer.


This tool lets you put your Google Docs into WordPress while retaining your formatting without excess code.

Also Asked

Find out what questions people are asking about particular keywords so that you can write content that answers those questions with Also Asked.

Google Trends

See the interest in a particular term from as recently as an hour to as far back as 2004 with Google Trends. Sort by categories, country, and type of search. See related topics, popularity by region, newest most frequently searched for terms, and compare to other terms.


Another fantastic tool for finding keyword ideas is Keyworddit, a free tool that sources keywords from subreddits on Reddit and provides context – a list of threads where a particular keyword was used.

Keyword Surfer

This Chrome extension shows you the search volume right in your Google search results. You can also see the word count and the number of keywords for top-ranking pages.


As the name implies, CanIRank helps you find out if you can rank on the first page of search engines for a particular keyword.

Seed Keywords

Come up with a question or topic you want to research, send it to your contacts, and have them select the keywords they would search for to get the information you want with Seed Keywords.

Exploding Topics

Similar to Google Trends, Exploding Topics will help uncover topics that are about to become popularly searched before they become popularly searched!


Ubersuggest is a simple keyword research tool that scrapes data from Google’s Keyword Planner for keyword ideas based on a keyword you provide. The tool also returns handy data for each keyword including the search volume, CPC, and level of competition.


Get the related keywords, also known as semantically linked keywords, for any search with Keys4Up.

Wordtracker Scout

Wordtracker Scout will help discover what keywords people search for when they’re ready to make a purchase.


With KWFinder, you can discover long-tail keywords – those more specific less frequently used keywords that yield higher results because of how specific they are.

Disavow Tool

Use Google’s Disavow Tool to free yourself from toxic backlinks.

Link Explorer

See the backlink profile and domain authority of any URL with Link Explorer.

Link Miner

Discover if a given URL has any broken links and discover the metrics of those links, including both search and social data with the Link Miner extension.


Find out which links, based on categories, drive the most traffic and rankings with Detailed.

Backlink Checker

Use this Backlink Checker to discover all the backlinks data about a particular URL.

The Anchor Text Suggestion Tool by Linkio

Discover the best anchor text to use for any URL with this Anchor Text Suggestion Tool.


SendPulse allows for the configuration of chains of emails, notifications, and SMS messages based on user actions, variables, or events.

Magic PR

Get a press release informed by SEO best practices with Magic PR.


This Chrome extension lets you scrape data from any URL and export the info into a spreadsheet.

Help a Reporter (HARO)

Help a Reporter is a resource that connects journalists and experts who act as sources for stories.


Convert your Gmail inbox into customer relationship management (CRM) software with this free extension.

Google Business Profile (GBP)

Connect with customers across Google Search and Google Maps using a free Google Business profile (Formerly Google My Business)

Whitespark Google Review Link Generator

Use this tool to find your Google Review listing and generate a shortened link to your page.

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Local Search Results Checker

Conduct local searches using Google Search or Google Maps with Local Search Results Checker.

Moz Local Local Check Business Listing

Confirm that your company’s details appear correctly on various directories with Moz’s Local Business Checker.

Whitespark Local Citation Finder

Track your citations, discover new opportunities, and get the citations your competitors have with this Local Citation Finder.

Review Handout Generator

Print instructions on how to leave a Google review via desktop or mobile device for your business with Whitespark’s Review Handout Generator.

Review Checker

This Chrome extension lets you know if the product you’re about to buy comes from a reputable seller and, if not, provides an alternative.

Mobile SERP Test

See your local SERPS on various mobile devices with the Mobile SERP Test from Mobile Moxie.

Mobile-First Index Checker

See how your website stacks up relative to SEO best practices depending on whether it’s your desktop or mobile version with Mobile-First Index Checker.

Mobile-Friendly Test

Test your website’s mobile-friendliness with Google’s Mobile-Friendly Testing Tool.


See how quickly your website loads with GTMetrix, discover what’s keeping it from loading as fast as possible, and see what steps to take to optimize load speed.


A free content delivery network (CDN), is a network of servers that gets your content to load faster by using a server closest to the person doing the loading.


SEMrush is an excellent keyword research SEO tool that, among other things, makes it easy to find out what keywords any page on the web is ranking for.

Chrome DevTools

Edit pages in real-time using tools that are built right into Google Chrome DevTools. Diagnosis problems as you encounter them.

Marketing Miner

Get SERP data, ranking, tool reports, and competitive analysis all in the form of convenient reports with Marketing Miner.


MozBar is a free SEO toolbar that works with the Chrome browser. It provides easy access to advanced metrics on web pages and SERPs. With MozBar, you can easily access the Page and Domain Authority scores of any page or site.

SEO Minion

Conduct on-page SEO analysis, check for broken links, get a SERP preview, and more with this Chrome extension.


See SEO metrics and conduct an SEO audit with this Chrome extension.

Sheets for Marketers

Learn how to automate tasks in Google Sheets and discover the best automation templates and tools via this curated list.

Sheet Consolidator

Create workbooks using CSV exports with a table of contents and enabled hyperlinks using this simple Excel Sheet Consolidator tool.

Google Search Console

Last but certainly not least, this list wouldn’t be complete without a mention of Google Search Console. You can add your website to Google Search Console and find the ranking and other data every day.

Small SEO Tools

A suite of tools to make it easier to create content including a plagiarism checker, article rewriter, grammar check, word counter, spell checker, paraphrasing tool, and more.


Check how closely a given URL is sticking to Google guidelines with Varvy.

Ahref’s SEO Toolbar

SEO metrics and SERP details from Ahrefs free Chrome or Firefox extension.

Bing Webmaster Tools

Featuring keyword reports, keyword research, crawling dates, and more. Unlike Google Analytics, Bing Webmaster Tools only focuses on organic search. A must-have for anyone who wants to be ranked on Bing.


Woorank is a handy website analyzer that provides useful insights that can help you improve your site’s SEO.


A suite of SEO tools that includes a site auditor, a SERP tracker, a backlink tracker, and more with SEObility.


Lipperhey will provide free analyses of your website, keyword tips, SEO analytics, and a backlink checker.


This tool will provide you with an audit of your technical SEO, content, and website’s popularity.


Discover duplicate content, broken links, and page authority, and get both an XML sitemap and a detailed report of key site information with Siteliner.

Counting Characters Google SERP Tool

While counting characters has been a long-standing approach to evaluating meta description and title tag length, the reality is that Google doesn’t count the meta title and description in a number of characters. It uses pixels instead. The Counting Characters tool will provide both the character count and the pixel count to ensure you are creating meta tags that are not cut off by an ellipsis – represented by (…).

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Natural Language API Demo

Use machine learning to determine the sentiment of text with the Natural Language API Demo. Use this data to improve your product or site design.

Rich Results Test

The Rich Results Test will discover if your website can support rich results, which is when your Google result includes non-textual elements like images.

Structured Data Testing Tool

The Structured Data Testing Tool will help validate the structured data of any webpage using live data or by copying and pasting code.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager allows you to manage your website tags without editing any code!

View Rendered Source

See how your browser renders a page with this Chrome extension, including modifications made by JavaScript.


Find out what your SERP snippet will look like with SERPSim.

Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator

Merkle’s Schema Markup Generator tool will help create JSON-LD markups for articles, breadcrumbs, events, FAQ pages, and how-tos.

Animalz Revive

Find out which of your pages needs an update or an upgrade with Animalz Revive. You can see the traffic for your pages, including the percentage of traffic your page lost since its peak.

Copyscape Free Comparison Tool

Copyscape’s Comparison Tool will help check to see the percentage of shared text between two different pages to weed out plagiarism.


Find out which content does best for a particular keyword and who the influencers are for a given topic with the free features of BuzzSumo.


Hunter will help find all the important email addresses associated with a given domain.


Conduct competitor analysis with SimilarWeb that shows you a given domain’s traffic, top pages, engagement, marketing channels, and more.


Wappalyzer will help you find out if a given website is using a CMS, CRM, eCommerce platform, advertising networks, marketing tools, or analytics.

Wayback Machine

See a website throughout time, including pages that are no longer on the web with the Wayback Machine.

Bulk Domain Availability Checker

The Bulk Domain Availability Checker will review domain registration en masse and register domains if need be.

SEO Explorer

SEO Explorer is a free tool for keyword and links research.

Ahref’s SERP Checker

See the domains that place in the top 10 for any given keyword in 171 countries, and get robust analytics from Ahref’s SERP Checker.


A dedicated SERP tracking tool with. the appropriately named SERPROBOT. Set up automatic alerts, choose the frequency with which your SERP is checked, and get visual representations of changes.


Track SERPs for up to 10 keywords for free with Taptimize and get actionable SEO tips.

Bulk Google Rank Checker

See your website’s SERPs for various keywords en mass with the Bulk Google Rank Checker.

LSI Graph

Discover related keywords with LSI Graph. See their trends, traffic volume, CPC, and competition, and remove low search volume results.

Mobile-Friendly Test

To that end, Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool is designed to help you determine if your site is correctly optimized for smartphones and tablets. You just type in your site’s URL, and it will plainly inform you whether your website is mobile-friendly. The tool also offers suggestions on how you can improve the mobile-friendliness of your site


This is Google’s open-source site speed utility. Lighthouse provides audits of performance, accessibility, web apps, SEO, and more.

Page Speed Insights

Find out your website’s page loading speed and how to improve it with Google’s Page Speed Insights.


Track your site’s loading speed daily with SpeedMonitor.io. You can also track a competitor’s site speed and conduct on-demand audits.


WebpageTest conducts site speed tests from different locations using different browsers.


A newer SEO suite for WordPress, RankMath has 15 modules and provides SEO guidance using 30 different types of improvements.

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the most installed SEO suite for WordPress, with regular updates and new tools.

Ahrefs WordPress SEO Plugin

The Ahrefs WordPress SEO plugin will provide you with content audits, backlink checking, and tools to monitor and grow your organic traffic.


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